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Can left bundle branch block be reversed?

I'm a 37 year old male & was diagnosed with LBBB a year ago. I used to follow a very healthy lifestyle; I do not smoke, drink only once or twice in a year, no junk food. I used to exercise regularly, weight is also in control. In my last job suffered stress & consulted Dr with symptom of feeling pressure in chest. My BP was normal, but I had high triglyceride levels (around 280). Though my 2D echo was normal, Dr observed jerky septal movement. Angiography was performed, found no blockage. But Dr suspected I might already have had plaque & possible mild stroke based on angiography, though could not say confirmed. Now I'm on medication with statin & aspirin. In given scenario, can LBBB be reversed in the future? I don't find myself short of breath, etc. & can walk quite briskly even now. Sometimes I do get slight pinching sensation throughout my ribs (right + left) but not sure it is due to LBBB or muscle ache. Please help me with your advice.

submitted by Shail from US on 11/28/2013


by Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, Mohammad Saeed, MD    

Mohammad Saeed, MDThe prevalence of left bundle branch block (LBBB) increases with advancing age in the general population. LBBB is associated with slight increase in incidence of heart disease, but it can also be just an isolated electrical abnormality in some people. Presence of LBBB gives the septum a jerky movement on echocardiogram. This abnormal movement of the septum is just indicative of underlying LBBB and does not specify any heart disease. Presence or absence of heart disease is typically based on the results of echocardiogram, coronary angiography and/or cardiac MRI. Unfortunately LBBB is not reversible.

In your case, in the absence of any structural heart disease and symptoms, the overall risk of cardiovascular morbidity or mortality should be very low.    

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Updated December 2013
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