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Will donating blood reduce my blood pressure?

Hello Doctor,
I am a 28 year old male. In a recent echo test, I was diagnosed with diastolic dysfunction grade 1. I am not overweight, normal size but I have more blood than a guy of my size should be HB 16.6. My diastolic blood pressure is always high. Also, I have a stressful situation in my life because of the family problems and I also have a hard time sleeping at night.

So my question is, if I donate 1 pint of blood will it help me reduce my blood pressure or can it make my problem worse? Thank you, hoping to get a answer for this.   

submitted by Sarav from US on 12/15/2013


by Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, George Younis, MD  

George Younis, MDDonating a pint of blood will not affect your heart in any meaningful way.    

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Updated December 2013
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