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Are hiccups a side effect of warfarin?

I'm taking warfarin in the wake of a heart attack that I had in June. The warfarin also is being used to treat my left ventricular thrombus. I have severe hiccups at times that literally making swallowing difficult. Are these hiccups a side effect of warfarin? Are they indication of something dangerous? Also, I need a tooth pulled and one doctor in China said I should not have it pulled because of the warfarin. However, another doctor said it's ok to have it taken out. What is your opinion? Thank you.

submitted by Jerry from Nanyang, Henan, China on 12/20/2013


by Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, Scott Sherron, MD  

Scott R. Sherron, MD

Hiccups are not a known side-effect of warfarin.  However, severe bouts of hiccups can be debilitating and there are some treatments available.  Pulling teeth while on warfarin is a controversial issue with different dentists and oral surgeons having different opinions.  It may be reasonable to interrupt your coumadin (warfarin), either with or without an alternative anticoagulant to allow your tooth to be pulled with less risk of bleeding, but this decision is mainly up to your cardiologist.  Often, LV thrombi resolve with 3-6 months of warfarin, so he/she may be willing to let you interrupt your blood thinner for the procedure.

Hope this helps.

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Updated December 2013
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