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I had an ablation but am still having problems. What should I do?

I am 25 year old male. I had a catheter ablation about 2 years ago and since then, I have had skipped beats every day. Usually the skipped beats are extreme jolts in my chest which takes my breath away and I feel it rush to my head. It feels like my heart stops then starts back up. Sometimes these happen back to back and several times a day. My heart doc told me this was normal for the first year or so after surgery and skipped beats are benign. Now... I'm experiencing flutters which is extremely scary - sometimes a series of them, up to 8 or more. The first time it happened I was at the gym and started my first lift on bench press. I stood up and it started. The skipped beats come any time, and have happened just relaxing at home. My heart also feels like it beats hard a lot. I experience light headedness as well. I'm afraid I have another underlying heart condition or having complications with the ablation. It's very scary to say the least. If you have anything that could be any help please let me know. Thank you.

submitted by Alex from Tennessee on 2/7/2014


by Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, J. Alberto Lopez, MD    

J. Alberto Lopez, MDI would suggest that you have the electrophysiologist who did your ablation to reevaluate the case. Or if you are not satisfied, have another EP specialist review the original electrophysiologic study and your current symptoms and arrhythmias.     

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Updated February 2014
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