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Ask a Texas Heart Institute Doctor 
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What has caused my EKGs to change over time, and must I ease up on my exercise? 

As a teenager with a heart murmur, I had to have EKGs in order to play on sport teams. I found a note in my medical file that I had an enlarged left ventricle. I am now 74 and a recent checkup indicates I no longer have an enlarged ventricle, but I now have an enlarged right atrium. What caused the disproportionate change and is there reason to ease up on my exercise? I am quite active as a runner, weight training and tennis seven days a week. 

submitted by Warren from Lincoln, California on 2/13/2014


by Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, Scott R. Sherron, MD  Scott R. Sherron, MD

The findings you describe could clearly be benign. Overall, exercise is as close as we come to a fountain of youth. It helps the heart, the bones & even staves off dementia. However, it would be important to have a full evaluation of your current cardiac status. It is particularly important to realize that up to 20% of patients with significant blockages are completely asymptomatic.

Therefore, following your echo findings & having at least a screening treadmill would be important.
Hope that helps.

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Updated February 2014
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