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Will continued use of Effient benefit me?

My 4th RCA (right coronary artery) stent was placed on 1/2012. I take 10mg of Effient daily. Last nuclear stress test on 11/2012 was fine. No recurring symptoms and I am 63, white male and physically active. I take 10mg Lipitor and 81mg aspirin also. Will continued use of Effient benefit me? If so, what dosage and for how long? Thank you.   

submitted by Marc from Pennsylvania on 5/5/2014


by Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, Neil E. Strickman, MD  

Neil E. Strickman, MD10 mg daily.  The advantage is no reported failure of the drug to do what it is made for.  Outside of a year, there is no data, however, we tend to leave patients on it indefinitely.     

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Updated May 2014
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