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Do you have experience with anomalous origin of the coronary arteries?

I was having heart palpitations and after multiple tests a cardiac catheterization was done and the #1 conclusion was documented as follows: Anomalous origin of the coronary arteries. All of the arteries originated from the right coronary Valsalva. I have been prescribed diltiazem 240mg daily with a follow up to discuss a possible ablation. I am wondering if you have any experience with this type of anomaly?

submitted by Kimberly from Utah on 6/5/2014


Dr. Paolo Angeliniby Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, Paolo Angelini, MD    

Coronary anomalies are many different entities and all may have different clinical manifestations. A case of anomalous origin of the Left Coronary Artery from the right is a high probability case for significant clinical consequence, but it could be totally benign, Studies should be done in a dedicated center of excellence for such unusual problems. We are one of those at THI (Texas Heart Institute, in Houston). You can find a general discussion of your problem in a Website at <Texas Heart > Center for Coronary Artery Anomalies.

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Updated June 2014
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