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What testing and treatment are available for microvascular ischemic disease in women?

Microvascular Ischemic Disease in Women's Heart - What testing and treatment are available if young aged women have this condition? Can this type of condition cause arrhythmias? What are the most important symptoms to have evaluated by ER doc or a cardiology specialist? I'm a 42-year-old female with this condition, atrial fib, etc. 

submitted by Christina from Whitehall, Ohio on 6/26/2014


by Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, Scott R. Sherron, MD  

Scott R. Sherron, MDThis can be a difficult disease to evaluate and often requires a combination of testing and clinical assessment, sometimes including therapeutic trials of medication.  The closest thing we have to a definitive objective test is coronary flow reserve.  This can be measured most easily by an intracoronary flow wire, but can also be assessed by PET.  Treatments include nitrates, statins and ranolazine, particularly for angina.  This condition is not closely associated with atrial fibrillation although there are clearly some overlapping, predisposing factors for both diseases.  Symptoms of chest tightness, episodic shortness of breath and nausea can be signs of angina.  A great deal of variability in the presenting symptoms of angina is present, particularly in young women.
Hope this helps.

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Updated July 2014
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