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Ask a Texas Heart Institute Doctor 
Informed patients make better patients.


How should my tiny leak in my aortic valve be managed?

I had a Doppler two years ago. I was told I had a tiny leak in my aorta left ventricle is fine...I was also told I can do anything I wished physically. My BP is 120-55 and is controlled. I walk 2, 3 miles per day, eat right and enjoy life. I am 69 years of age. What should my future care plan look like and what is the prognosis for this type of mild disorder? I had an ECG last week and all is normal. Cholesterol readings are very good.

submitted by Michael from Canada on 8/3/2014


Patrick J. Cook, MDby Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, Patrick J. Cook, MD    

Continue as is. An echo (absent chest pain or shortness of breath) every two years should suffice to follow. 

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Updated August 2014
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