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Was my workup sufficient to rule out a cardiac cause (38 year old female)?

I saw a cardiologist for episodes of dizziness and hands going numb when exercising. After a stress test and Holter monitor, I am now being sent to a neurologist. Was my workup sufficient to rule out a cardiac cause (38 year old female)?  

submitted by Angela from Maryland on 8/1/2014


by Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, Scott R. Sherron, MD  Scott R. Sherron, MD

Yes, I believe that the workup you underwent is totally appropriate for those symptoms in a 38 yo female. A neurology workup should occur before proceeding with any additional cardiac workup. If all is still negative & symptoms persist, additional cardiac workup could be considered. An echo is an easy non-invasive test that might be considered. If chest pain or shortness of breath with exercise become prominent symptoms, then more aggressive evaluation for coronary blockages or anomaly (such as coronary CT angiogram) may be warranted. Hope this is helpful.

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Updated August 2014
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