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Ask a Texas Heart Institute Doctor 
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I am a young father, and I have been diagnosed with Nonischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy, now with a BiV pacemaker.  My heart function has improved from <20% to 40%.  I take my medications, but wonder if there are possible stem cell/regenerative treatments for someone like me in the near future?

I have Nonischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy and LBBB. I'm relatively young (not 40 yet) with a young son so I'm obviously concerned about my long term outlook so I can be a father to him. On the outside I'm healthy, and inside my heart function has increased from < 20% to about 40%. I'm pleased with that but I wonder if there is something on the horizon with regards to stem cell or regenerative therapy that can help me further along. It seems that most of the studies and treatments are for the patients who suffer heart damage after a heart attack or for those patients awaiting transplant. It doesn't seem as if patients like me are being researched, which is disconcerting because those in my position would like an early start on beating this disease! 

submitted by John from Houston on 9/23/2014


by Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, James T. Willerson, MD    

James T. Willerson, MDThere will be in the near future, but  if your LVEF has improved from 20% to 40% recently, you may continue to improve spontaneously. Try to avoid alcohol, get adequate rest, walk away from stress, and take the correct  medications prescribed by your doctor. You may come and see us, if you wish.    

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Updated September 2014
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