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If one has 5-6 episodes of SVT in a year, would you recommend ablation or staying on medication?

PLEASE HELP - I am a 48-year-old woman, 30 lbs overweight. I've had bouts of PAC/PVC [premature atrial contractions, premature ventricular contractions] and SVT [supraventricular tachycardia] for over 22 years now. The PAC/PVC I can deal with but the SVT with beats over 200 drive me insane. My SVT usually occurs out of the blue or along with stress or position changes - and the longest episode lasting about an hour before my metoprolol kicked in. If someone only has 5 or 6 episodes of SVT in a year would you recommend and ablation or would it be safer to stay on the drugs for life? The thoughts of ablation are extremely scary to me, though I would love for this condition to be cured forever! Thank you.

submitted by Delia from Kansas on 11/09/2014


Abdi Rasekh, MDby Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, Abdi Rasekh, MD    

You are an excellent candidate for ablation. The first line of therapy is ablation with success rate of more than 98% and risk of <1%.

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Updated November 2014
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