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Should my daughter see a conduction specialist for her near fainting?

My daughter is a 23 year old diagnosed with abnormal left axis deviation and left anterior fascicular block. Symptoms are near fainting when sitting or standing for too long and during exercise. She was told to hydrate and eat more salt. Should I take her to a conduction specialist? How concerned should I be? Should she decrease exercise, decrease caffeine? Is alcohol off limits? 

submitted by Cathy from US Virgin Islands on 2/16/2015


by Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, Mehdi Razavi, MD  

Mehdi Razavi, MDHello. I do believe you should have your daughter evaluated by a heart rhythm specialist (electrophysiologist). Her symptoms may well be due to dehydration (in which case cutting back on caffeine or alcohol will help). Still, given the ECG findings she should see the specialist.

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Updated February 2015
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