Click on the tiles to turn them over. Try to match the food pictures with the correct food group names. Learn about the basic food groups plus food group impostors like foods that are too high in fat, sugar, and salt. Can you get through all 10 levels?
Help Cool-E get revenge on the impostors by collecting foods from the five food groups and stomping on those that have too much sugar, fat, or salt. Learn about healthy food choices in this classic side scrolling adventure game.
Can you find the missing words? Put your vocabulary skills to the test in categories like anatomy, exercise, minerals, and vitamins. You only get one hint so you better make it count!
It's hangman Cool-E style! Read the clue and use your keyboard to type a letter. If you guess correctly, it will appear in the correct space. If you guess incorrectly, Cool-E will eat some junk food from his pile. Guess too many incorrect letters and you will stuff Cool-E!
Ever wondered how many calories you burn while riding your bike or playing soccer? Get closer than Cool-E to 21 calories per minute of exercise fun. Get exactly 21 to get a Fitness Flapjack and win a bonus!