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What is myocardial noncompaction?

Hello, I am 24 and was recently diagnosed with myocardial noncompaction. I was told by my cardiologist that it was a rare disease and that it is only in the mild stage. My LVEF (left ventricular ejection fraction) went from 65% to 48% in two years. I have inappropriate sinus tach, trivial mitral valve insufficiently and a PFO (patent foramen ovale) that is 3.2cm in size. I am trying to get a better understanding of my disease and to find out is there anything that can be done for me at this stage. My cardiologist told me that it is a disease that gets worse on its own and that as it progresses, the only treatment options are a heart device or a transplant. I'm just in search for a better, more clear understanding.  

submitted by Jasmine from Houston, Texas on 1/11/2014


Reynolds M. Delgado III, MDby Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, Reynolds M. Delgado, MD    

This is a rare condition which justifies evaluation by a specialist in heart failure and heart transplantation, as it can run the gamut from being benign to serious. Careful evaluation of it at a specialized center is justified.    

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Updated January 2014
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