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Should I be worried about my weight?

Hi doctor, I am 23 years old. I was diagnosed with MVP at the age of 8 years. At that time, the cardiologist said that it is just a minor valve problem and nothing serious. After completion of my echocardiography, he said that there is nothing to be worried about. I am very slim and not more fat, even when I changed my diet. Doctor, is there a problem which may happen after I mature? Is there a reason for my body to remain slim? Sometimes I feel wheezing and can hear a murmur noise. I am using one inhaler - combitide 125. Please reply to solve my worry.

submitted by Harikrishnan G from India on 3/18/2014


by Texas Heart Institute cardiologist, George Younis, MD    

George Younis, MDFor unclear reasons, mitral valve prolapse is seen most frequently in people with a low body mass index.   

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Updated March 2014
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